Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Melba Pattillo Beals, Warriors Dont Cry

Melba Pattillo Beals, Warriors Dont Cry In the book Warriors Dont Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals, the author describes what her reactions and feelings are to the racial hatred and discrimination she and eight other African-American teenagers received in Little Rock, Arkansas during the desegregation period in 1957. She tells the story of the nine students from the time she turned sixteen years old and began keeping a diary until her final days at Central High School in Little Rock. The story begins by Melba talking about the anger, hatred, and sadness that is brought up upon her first return to Central High for a reunion with her eight other classmates. As she walks through the halls and rooms of the old school, she recalls the†¦show more content†¦Some out of fear and others just accepted the harsh and unfair circumstances. The state and town passed laws and ordinances as the school year drew near in order to keep the school from integrating. Even the state governor refused for the desegregation process to happen without resistance. Some blacks also opposed the desegregation for fear of future repercussions. The nine brave students, however, refused to be stopped. On September 3, Elizabeth Eckford, Ernest Green, Jefferson Thomas, Minnijean Brown (Trickey), Carlotta Walls (LaNier), Terrence Roberts, Gloria Ray (Karlmark), Thelma Mothershed-Wair, and Melba Patillo Beals set off for school. The governor of Arkansas, Orvel Faubus, had sent National Guardsmen to the school the previous day to surround the building and keep all African-Americans from entering its doors. He stated in an interview that the reason for the troops was he heard a rumor that white supremacists were going to riot and he was just protecting the students. He declared Central High off-limits to all people of color in order for their own protection. The students never did make it into school that day. Before they even reached the property they were met with great resistance from racist citizens who spat upon them, mocked them, threw sharp objects at them, and even physically beat them. Melba describes the deep hurt she felt as for the first time in her life she sawShow Mo reRelatedImportance Of Fearlessness1417 Words   |  6 PagesRosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person on the bus. By doing this she showed no fear, as her action would be punished by her serving jail time. The Little Rock Nine is a large symbol of fearlessness throughout our country. Melba Pattillo Beals was one of the Little Rock Nine. Malala Yousafzai lived in a country where there were evil and vile people out to hurt her, yet she’s still standing up for what she believes in. Helga Weiss lived through the holocaust. She starved and witnessedRead MoreWhy Is Warriors DonT Cry Turning Point734 Words   |  3 Pagesthere is a time when you face your turning point. 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